
This came from a very silly conversation I had with some members of the 17th Shard Discord. Where Kelsier is guarding the Well of Ascension–which is a kiddy pool Spook and Vin are playing in. Kelsier is reaching Oceans 11, which is what Brandon Sanderson likes to compare the first Mistborn book too!

I’m not even really sure what inspired this silly little comic. But I had a lot of fun drawing it! Elend is pretty cool, too bad Kelsier was too prejudice to see it! Haha! (Please note that I drew this before reading Mistborn: The Secret History.)

I actually drew this back in college as a school assignment where we illustrated a movie poster and cast movie actors for a book to movie adaptation. (Which I’m realizing was over a decade ago.) I had read Mistborn for the first time recently at that point, so of course, I chose that! Mark Strong

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