Kaladin and Leshwi dueling in the Sky from Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. I fell in love with the design of Leshwi the first time she was introduced in Oathbringer with her streams of red fabric as she floated elegantly in the air. I awaited the moment when she and Kaladin would duel with […]
This is from a particular scene in Way of Kings, where Shallan sees strange creatures appearing in her drawings. I always pictured them as sort of spirograph heads, which is what I used to draw them in this illustration. (Which, I found that doing complex spirographs was much harder than I had anticipated and I
I LOVE Raoden from Brandon Sanderson’s Elantris. He is probably my favorite Cosmere character. He’s determined, hard working, and charming. Unfortunately, Raoden as a hoed is pretty difficult to draw in a handsome way. He’s basically a zombie with no hair, no eyebrows, and blemishes on his skin. I’ve tried drawing him numerous times and
One of my earlier watercolors where I was still getting a hang of it! While reading Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive I couldn’t help but decide that it was secretly a magical girl story! I mean, they have cute mascot characters and they level up! Plus sparkly glowing effect. So this is Kaladin as a magical
I drew this shortly after reading The Way of Kings for the first time. I found Kaladin’s arc to be the most intriguing of the entire book and he is probably my favorite character in the whole series. As someone who suffers from chronic depression, I found him highly relatable and his determination to continue